Are the terms worth the conditions of social media?

Are the terms worth the conditions of social media?

Social media has inched its way into every facet of our lives. What began as a glorified dating website is now a primary tool for socialization, relationships, education, politics, and advertising. It truly is a beautiful development in society that any two people...
If architects had to work like Web Developers

If architects had to work like Web Developers

I don’t remember where I first heard this, but it really hits home… Dear Mr. Architect: Please design and build me a house. I am not quite sure of what I need, so you should use your discretion. My house should have between two and forty-five bedrooms....
Online College Isn’t a Bad Thing

Online College Isn’t a Bad Thing

I saw a piece on the news about online learning that was discussing the problems with students not being able to return to college because of COVID-19. The premise of the piece was that by forcing them to go to college online, they couldn’t learn as much. There was an...
To Clone or not to Clone…

To Clone or not to Clone…

Deciding to clone your competitor’s site sounds like a great idea. Find a site you like and make one that looks just like it. That way, you let someone else do all the research on demographics and content and you can just jump right into the mix with a proven...
Is your site secure and functional?

Is your site secure and functional?

“Updates are over-rated.” “Developers just want to add some new ‘bells and whistles’ to the product making it more flashy.” “What’s the point? It works fine and has for a long time.” “Updates aren’t really needed unless something breaks. Besides, I get updates on my...
“Hey can I pick your brain on something?”

“Hey can I pick your brain on something?”

If I had a dollar for every time I heard this I would not need to work a day in my life. What you are being asked is to provide the skills and expertise you have developed for free because of friendship.  Immediately, the guilt factor kicks in and you think, well they...